1837 poze   2146 vizite

membru din 24 April 2020

lets get familiar with the t o w n

                        【Welcome to the Hamptons】
                               Hamptons,ᴺᴱ, USA
             « What is the H̳a̳m̳p̳t̳o̳n̳s̳? Some say its a small town located in the suburbs of a larger city from Nevada, others say
          the Hamptons is a suburb in itself. Who knows? M̷y̷s̷t̷e̷r̷y̷ is a characteristic that defines this small town, nobody knows how
           the town got here and why its here in the first place. The Hamptons is the town where n̳o̳b̳o̳d̳y̳ digs in the s̲n̲o̲w̲. They don’t
 @ᵀʰᵉᴴᵃᵐᵖᵗᵒⁿˢ         want to see what it has c̷o̷v̷e̷r̷e̷d̷. Underneath the beautiful s̳i̳g̳h̳t̳s̳ of this town, lies a d͎r͎e͎a͎d͎f͎u͎l͎ secret. 
            Our s̴t̴o̴r̴y̴ is about a town, a small town, and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many
          other small towns all over the world: s̳a̳f̳e̳, decent, i͎n͎n͎o͎c͎e͎n͎t͎. Get closer, though, and you start seeing the s̷h̷a̷d̷o̷w̷s̷ underneath. »
 ╱╱╱    A̳l̳w̳a̳y̳s̳ watch your b̷a̷c̷k̷.     ⋙
 ╱╱╱    A̳l̳w̳a̳y̳s̳ watch your b̷a̷c̷k̷.     ⋙
⋙        When you w̲a̲l̲k̲ through the s̳t̳r̳e̳e̳t̳s̳,
⋙        When you w̲a̲l̲k̲ through the s̳t̳r̳e̳e̳t̳s̳,
of the Hamptons         ╱╱╱
of the Hamptons         ╱╱╱

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